The Ginefiv Team
The Ginefiv Team is multi-disciplinary and includes more than 100 professionals from different specialisations within assisted reproduction.
Ginefiv is now one of the largest and most complete centres in Spain, capable of offering the best assisted reproduction treatment for each specific fertility issue, with a comprehensive service and a global perspective.
The Madrid Team – The Barcelona Team
The Madrid Management Team
Gynaecology team:

The Gynaecology team in the Ginefiv Madrid fertility clinic is considered to be one of the most prestigious and experienced in Europe in the field of assisted reproduction. The team has provided solutions to cases of infertility and sterility in
more than 20,000 patients.
The strength of the Ginefiv team specialists lies in their excellent preparation and the friendly but comprehensive way they treat their patients, with this being essential in treatments of this type, due the considerable emotional weight carried by patients undergoing the treatment.

Laboratory Director

The Ginefiv Lab Team, coordinated by Dr. Badajoz, has over 35 years’ experience and the lab currently handles the highest number of cases in Madrid. Team members now include expert andrologists, embryologists and geneticists, all with degrees in Biological Science, Medicine, Pharmacology or Laboratory Techniques.
Due to the fact that we are pioneers in artificial insemination and assisted reproduction in Madrid, a large number of the professionals who currently work in this field throughout Spain spent their training period in the embryology clinic of the Ginefiv Madrid fertility clinic and trained in vitro fertilisation, artificial insemination and the most advanced assisted reproduction techniques and treatments in Madrid.
Our lab, on which the success of our treatments largely depends, is equipped with the latest generation of the most sophisticated technical equipment on the market and it is in a constant state of renovation so as to remain at the technological vanguard, thus contributing to Ginefiv’s excellent success rates.

Genetics Unit:
Meet our genetics experts, the Ginefiv team members who are responsible for successfully running genetics-based diagnostic tests, many of which are key to the success of a treatment.

Uro-Andrology Unit:
Ginefiv offers its patients a comprehensive solution in assisted reproduction techniques and that’s why the Ginefiv Madrid team also includes experts in uro-andrology, complementing both the Gynaecology and Andrology units. This is due to the close connection between the genital and urinary systems

Anaesthesia Unit:
To make our patients’ treatments more comfortable, Ginefiv employs the anaesthetics team from the Nuevo Belén hospital, a team of recognised prestige and ample experience.

Patient Care:

The main role of Ginefiv’s Patient Care Team, directed by Dr. Lobo, is to actively participate in one of the clinic’s main objectives: to offer the best care to our patients. The Patient Care Team is responsible for resolving and handling any doubts which may arise during the treatment and to act as a confidant to the couple, providing assistance using their extensive experience in reproduction. When necessary, this team can refer you to a psychologist specialising in fertility whose goal is to offer patients psychological help so that they can successfully handle the treatment.

International Patient Care:

Ginefiv offers an International Patient Care Service which works exclusively for patients who do not speak Spanish. This has allowed us to improve the quality of our services via a linguistic infrastructure, thereby offering all patients the constant monitoring of their treatments.
The International Patient Care Service is made up of a team of translators and interpreters who specialise in assisted reproduction and its objective is to remove any language and cultural barriers between the patients and the clinic’s various departments

Management Team

The Barcelona Management Team

Our gynaecology team is considered to be one of the most prestigious and experienced in Europe in the field of assisted reproduction. The team has provided solutions to cases of infertility and sterility in more than 20,000 patients.
The strength of this team of specialists lies in their excellent preparation and the friendly but comprehensive way they treat their patients, with this being essential in treatments of this type, due the considerable emotional weight carried by patients undergoing these treatments

Under the medical management of Dr. Mónica Aura Masip, the laboratory management of Dr. Laura Mifsud and with consultancy from the group’s scientific directors, Dr. Filippo Ubaldi and Dr. Laura Rienzi, Ginefiv Barcelona is aiming to set a new benchmark in Spain and Europe.
This goal reinforces our commitment to offering you the best treatments in reproductive medicine with maximum safety and quality of care.

The Lab Team at Ginefiv Barcelona, coordinated by Dr. Laura Mifsud, is formed of expert embryologists and lab assistants. It is also equipped with the latest generation of the most sophisticated technical equipment on the market and it is in a constant state of renovation so as to remain at the technological vanguard